- Genaral procurement notice
- 11.12.2008 Call for Expressions of Interest for Procurement spacialist
- Call for Expressions of Interest local law capital markets
- Call for Expressions of Interset foreign law capital markets
- 31.07.2009 Call for Expressions of Interset (CVs) (consultant services)
- 21.08.2009 REoI for development of the electronic information system software
- call for expressions of interest - individual international consultant for development of the secondary normative framework in the insurance field
- 23.11.2009 ITQ for Procurement of the Telephone System for NCFM
- 03.12.2009 Call for Expression of Interest for institutional development of the National Commission of Financial Market
- 12.01.2010 Call for expression of interest for Individual Local Consultant for Development of the draft new Law on National Commission of Financial Markets
- 01.02.2010.Call for expression of interest for consulting services of a local consultant to develop the secondary normative framework in the insurance field in relation to financial (accounting) issues and subjects;
- 01.02.2010.Call for expression of interest for consulting services of a local consultant to develop the secondary normative framework in the insurance field in relation to legal issues and subjects;
- 01.02.2010.Call for expression of interest for consulting services of a local consultant to develop the secondary normative framework in the insurance field in relation to actuary issues and subjects.
- 01.02.2010 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for procurement of Telephone system for main office of National Commission for Financial Market under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 01.02.2010 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for Consultants (international and local) for development of the draft of the new Law on capital markets, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 02.02.2010 "ITQ for procurement of the technical services for organization and unfolding of specialized trainings in English language for NCFM specialists" (Retender)
- 25.02.2010 Call for expression of interest for consulting services of an international consultant to develop the draft new law on facultative pension funds
- 25.02.2010 Call for expression of interest for consulting services of an international expert to develop the regulatory frameworks and rules and regulations for mortgage lending
- 10.03.2010 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for procurement of Technical Services for organization and unfolding of specialized trainings in English language for National Commission for Financial Market specialists, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for International Consultant for development of the secondary normative framework in the insurance field, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 24.03.2010 Call for expression of interest for consulting services of a local consultant to develop the draft new law on facultative pension funds
- 24.03.2010 Call for expression of interest for consulting services of a local consultant to develop the regulatory frameworks and rules and regulations for mortgage lending
- 21.04.2010 ITQ "Procurement of the Technical Services for Editing and Printing of the NVFM activity report for 2009"
- 26.04.2010 Call for expression of interest for local individual consultant' services "Feasibility study of the micro-finance sector of Moldova"
- 12.05.2010 Call for Expression of Interest for consulting services "NCFM’ capacity building in the filed of actuary services"
- 13.05.2010 "Call for Expression of Interest for consulting services of an international expert to develop the regulatory frameworks, rules and regulations for mortgage lending" (Re-advertising)
- 27.05.2010 Invitation for Bids "Procurement of IT and office equipment for National Commission for Financial Market of Moldova"
- CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project for Local Consultants in the fields of actuary, legal and accounting for development of the secondary normative framework in the insurance field
- 17.05.2010 CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for Consulting Services for development of electronic information system software for National Commission of Financial Market, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 23.06.2010 CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, to individual foreign consultant for development of the draft new law on NCFM, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 05.05.2010 CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, to individual foreign consultant for development of the draft new law on NCFM, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 06.07.2010 CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, to individual foreign consultant for development of the draft new law on facultative pension funds, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 07.07.2010 "Call for Expression of Interest -consulting services of a local expert to carry out a feasibility study on implementation of health compulsory insurance with participation of insurance companies"
- 26.07.2010 "Call for EoI for consulting services of a local expert to carry out a feasibility study on implementation of health compulsory insurance with participation of insurance companies" (re-advertisement)