Titlul: Proiectul pentru Reforma sectorului financiar “Moldova Dutch TA-TF Financial Sector Reform”
Perioada: 2009 - 2011
Donator: Banca Mondială/ Guvernul Olandei
Buget (Grant): 2,28 mil. Euro
Scopul: Consolidarea capacităţilor instituţionale ale autorităţii de supraveghere şi a regimului regulator naţional, prin stabilirea unei supravegheri integrate a instituţiilor financiare nebancare şi pentru a asigura o funcţionare eficientă şi prudentă a pieţei financiare nebancare
- 05.12.2011 "Development of the technology solution and software for NSD integration in AIPS and development of regulations on NSD activity and supervision insurance"
- 20.11.2011 Contract awarded by PIU for delivery of IT equipment (PC tablets & printers)
- 14.11.2011 "Development of the Codes of conduct for the professional participants in the non-banking financial market; development of training programs and conducting trainings "
- 04.11.2011 Contract awarded by PIU for "Consulting services on regulation and supervision of the non-banking financial market" Twinning (Company)
- 04.11.2011 Contract awarded by PIU for " Development of the normative framework subordinated to the Law on Facultative Pension Funds" (Local Consultant)
- 04.11.2011 Contract awarded by PIU for " Development of the normative framework subordinated to the Law on Facultative Pension Funds" (Foreign Consultant)
- 28.10.2011 Contracts awarded by PIU for procurement of two cars for NCFM"
- 17.10.2011 Contract awarded for development of the secondary normative framework under the law on micro-financing organizations (Individual consultant).
- 10.10.2011 Contract Awarded by PIU for development of the legislative and normative frameworks on leasing activity
- 26.09.2011 Request for Expression of Interest "Consulting services on licensing and enforcement of the non-banking financial market (twinning)" - Re-advertising
- 20.09.2011 Contract Awarded by PIU for "Development of the legislative and normative framework on health compulsory and facultative insurance"
- 14.09.2011 Call for Expression of Interest "Development of the secondary normative framework under the law on micro-financing organizations" (Local Individual Consultant)
- 09.09.2011 Request for Expression of Interest "Consulting services on licensing and enforcement of the non-banking financial market (twinning)"
- 08.09.2011 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit for the assignment on "Development of the regulatory framework and the methodology for the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the field of non-banking financial market"
- 08.09.2011 Request for Expression of Interest "Development of the Codes of conduct for the professional participants in the non-banking financial market; development of training programs and conducting trainings"
- 08.09.2011 Request for Expression of Interest "Development of the normative acts on securities (Methodology for determination of securities price, Methodology for calculation of the Stock Exchange indexes, Regulation on admission and trading on the regulated market or MTF of the state securities with the term of circulation more than one year and Practical Guide on the detection of fraud, abuse and manipulation on the non-banking financial market)"
- 25.08.2011 Contract award "Development of the guides for the non-banking financial sector participants"
- 25.08.2011 Contract award "Expertise of National legal framework (Contravention code, Penal code, Fiscal code, sanction currently enforced) and drafting a low to amend the above according to the best international practices of non-banking financial market supervision"
- 24.08.2011 Request for Expression of Interest "Provision for consulting services on regulation and supervision of the non-banking financial market (twinning project)"
- 22.08.2011 Development of the technology solution and software for NSD integration in AIPS and development of relevant regulation on NSD activity and supervision
- 25.07.2011 Request for Expression of Interest “Audit of operational activity of the National Commission of Financial Market of Moldova” (re-advertising)
- 07.07.2011 Request for expression of interest "Expertise of the national legal framework for dwellings and lands insurance and development of legal framework on agricultural and property insurance" (Company)
- 07.07.2011 Request for expression of interest "Development of the legislative and normative framework on health compulsory and facultative insurance" (Company)
- 07.07.2011 Call for expression of interest "Expertise of the national legal framework (Contravention Code, Penal Code, Fiscal Code, sanctions currently enforced) and drafting a law to amend the above according to the best international practices on non-banking financial market supervision"
- 07.06.2011 Request for Expression of Interest “Audit of operational activity of the National Commission of Financial Market of Moldova”(Least Cost Selection)
- 03.06.2011 Call for EoI - Consultant services for development of the legislative and normative framework on leasing activity (local individual consultant)
- 27.05.2011 Contract awarded by the PIU of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for Procurment of Video and Audio Conference System for NCFM
- 25.05.2011 Contract awarded by the PIU of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for editing and printing of the NCFM activity report for 2010
- 26.04.2011 Invitation to Quote - Equipment for video and audio conference system
- 08.04.2011 Invitation to Quote - editing and printing NCFM annual activity report for 2010
- 30.03.2011 Contract award "Development of the normative framework on rules for mortgage lending" (Local consultant)
- 30.03.2011 Contract award "Development of the normative framework on rules for mortgage lending" (Foreign consultant)
- 24.02.2011 Contract Award Education Campaign for NCFM
- 15.02.2011 Call for expression of interest for development of the normative framework subordinated to the Law on Facultative Pension Funds (Local Consultant)
- 15.02.2011 Call for expression of interest for development of the normative framework subordinated to the Law on Facultative Pension Funds (Foreign Consultant)
- 15.02.2011 Development of the secondary normative framework under the Law on Capital Market of the Republic of Moldova
- 14.02.2011 Capacity building in the field of actuary services for the National Commission of Financial Market of Moldova
- 08.02.2011 Consulting services of a local expert to develop the guidelines for non banking financial sector participants
- 25.01.2011 Call for EoI "Development of the handbooks on supervision and control execution of the non banking financial market based on risk assessment in the fields of securities market, insurance and micro-financing"
- 29.12.2010 Call for expression of Interest- Development of the regulatory framework and the methodology for the implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in the field of non-banking financial market"
- 19.11.2010 Call for Expression of Interest "Development and implementation of the Public Non Banking Financial Sector' Education Campaign"
- 14.11.2010 Contract awarded by the PIU for delivery of the minivan for NCFM
- 10.11.2010 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit to individual local consultant for the assignment "Feasibility study on implementation of health compulsory insurance with participation of insurance companies in Moldova"
- 17.10.2010 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit to individual local consultant for the assignment "Feasibility study on implementation of dwellings and lands compulsaory insurance in Moldova" 30.09.2010 CALL for expression of interest - Development of the regulatory frameworks, rules and regulationsfor mortgage lending (local IC-readvertising)
- 14.09.2010 CALL for expression of interest - consulting services for development of the secondary normative framework under the Law on Capital Market
- 10.09.2010 CALL for expression of interest - consulting services of a local expert for elaboration of the draft new law on microfinancing activity
- 10.09.2010 CALL for expression of interest - consulting services of an international expert for elaboration of the draft new law on microfinancing activity
- 15.08.2010 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit to individual local consultant for the assignment "Feasibility study on supervision of micro-finance organizations"
- 26.07.2010 "Call for EoI for consulting services of a local expert to carry out a feasibility study on implementation of health compulsory insurance with participation of insurance companies" (re-advertisement)
- 20.07.2010 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit to individual local consultant for the assignment "Development of the draft new law on facultative pension funds"
- 07.07.2010 "Call for Expression of Interest -consulting services of a local expert to carry out a feasibility study on implementation of health compulsory insurance with participation of insurance companies"
- 06.07.2010 CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, to individual foreign consultant for development of the draft new law on facultative pension funds, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 03.07.2010 CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, to individual local consultant for development of the draft new law on NCFM, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 23.06.2010 CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, to individual foreign consultant for development of the draft new law on NCFM, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 16.06.2010 NCFM Annual Report
- 10.06.2010 Call for Expression of Interest "Feasibility study on implementation of dwellings and lands compulsory insurance"
- 27.05.2010 Invitation for Bids "Procurement of IT and office equipment for National Commission for Financial Market of Moldova"
- 17.05.2010 CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for Consulting Services for development of electronic information system software for National Commission of Financial Market, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 13.05.2010 "Call for Expression of Interest for consulting services of an international expert to develop the regulatory frameworks, rules and regulations for mortgage lending" (Re-advertising)
- 12.05.2010 Call for Expression of Interest for consulting services "NCFM’ capacity building in the filed of actuary services"
- 05.05.2010 CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, to individual foreign consultant for development of the draft new law on NCFM, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 26.04.2010 Call for expression of interest for local individual consultant' services "Feasibility study of the micro-finance sector of Moldova"
- 21.04.2010 ITQ "Procurement of the Technical Services for Editing and Printing of the NVFM activity report for 2009"
- 12.04.2010CONTRACT AWARDED by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project for Local Consultants in the fields of actuary, legal and accounting for development of the secondary normative framework in the insurance field
- 24.03.2010 Call for expression of interest for consulting services of a local consultant to develop the regulatory frameworks and rules and regulations for mortgage lending
- 24.03.2010 Call for expression of interest for consulting services of a local consultant to develop the draft new law on facultative pension funds
- 11.03.2010 Request for expression of interest "Consulting services for development of the electronic information system software - Retender"
- Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for International Consultant for development of the secondary normative framework in the insurance field, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 10.03.2010 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for procurement of Technical Services for organization and unfolding of specialized trainings in English language for National Commission for Financial Market specialists, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 25.02.2010 Call for expression of interest for consulting services of an international consultant to develop the draft new law on facultative pension funds
- 25.02.2010 Call for expression of interest for consulting services of an international expert to develop the regulatory frameworks and rules and regulations for mortgage lending
- 02.02.2010 "ITQ for procurement of the technical services for organization and unfolding of specialized trainings in English language for NCFM specialists" (Retender)
- 01.02.2010.Call for expression of interest for consulting services of a local consultant to develop the secondary normative framework in the insurance field in relation to financial (accounting) issues and subjects;
- 01.02.2010.Call for expression of interest for consulting services of a local consultant to develop the secondary normative framework in the insurance field in relation to legal issues and subjects;
- 01.02.2010.Call for expression of interest for consulting services of a local consultant to develop the secondary normative framework in the insurance field in relation to actuary issues and subjects.
- 01.02.2010 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for procurement of Telephone system for main office of National Commission for Financial Market under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 01.02.2010 Contract Awarded by the Project Implementation Unit of the World Bank Competitiveness Enhancement Project, for Consultants (international and local) for development of the draft of the new Law on capital markets, under Financial Sector Reform Project
- 12.01.2010 Call for expression of interest for Individual Local Consultant for Development of the draft new Law on National Commission of Financial Markets
- 11.12.2009 ITQ for procurement of the technical services for organization and unfolding of specialized trainings in English language for NCFM specialists
- 03.12.2009 Call for Expression of Interest for institutional development of the National Commission of Financial Market
- 23.11.2009 ITQ for Procurement of the Telephone System for NCFM
- call for expressions of interest - individual international consultant for development of the secondary normative framework in the insurance field
- 21.08.2009 REoI for development of the electronic information system software
- 31.07.2009 Call for Expressions of Interest (CVs) (consultant services)
- Call for Expressions of Interest local law capital markets
- Call for Expressions of Interset foreign law capital markets
- 11.12.2008 Call for Expressions of Interest for Procurement specialist
- Genaral procurement notice